Stock Intrinsic Value Calculator

Developed by Bohmian

Show Instructions

The following financial statements data can be found in Yahoo Finance.

Free cash flow is from 'Cash Flow Statement' (annual, TTM).

Cash and Short Term Investments and Total Debt is from 'Balance Sheet Statement' (most recent quarter).

Free Cash Flow
Cash and Short Term Investments
Total Debt
(Add Short Term + Long Term Debt)

The following fundamental data (including Number of Shares Outstanding) can be found in Finviz. EPS Growth Rate (Years 1 to 5) is 'EPS Next 5Y' in the table in Finviz.

Estimate the EPS Growth Rate (Years 6 to 10) yourself, a conservative approach could be half the EPS Growth Rate (Years 1 to 5).

Estimate the EPS Growth Rate (Years 11 to 20) yourself, a conservative approach could be the average inflation rate of 4%.

EPS Growth Rate % (Years 1 to 5)
EPS Growth Rate % (Years 6 to 10)
EPS Growth Rate % (Years 11 to 20)

To fill in the Discount Rate, you can check out the 'Beta' of your stock from FinViz table.

Then use the following as a guide:

Beta Discount Rate
Beta < 0.805%
0.8 ≤ Beta < 1.06%
0.8 ≤ Beta < 1.06%
1.0 ≤ Beta < 1.16.5%
1.1 ≤ Beta < 1.27%
1.2 ≤ Beta < 1.37.5%
1.3 ≤ Beta < 1.58%
1.5 ≤ Beta < 1.68.5%
Beta > 1.69%

Discount Rate (%)
Number of Shares Outstanding

Year Projected Cashflow Discounted to Present Value
1 $0 $0
2 $0 $0
3 $0 $0
4 $0 $0
5 $0 $0
6 $0 $0
7 $0 $0
8 $0 $0
9 $0 $0
10 $0 $0
11 $0 $0
12 $0 $0
13 $0 $0
14 $0 $0
15 $0 $0
16 $0 $0
17 $0 $0
18 $0 $0
19 $0 $0
20 $0 $0
Total $0 $0
Instrinsic Value of 1 Share (without cash and debt)

Instrinsic Value of 1 Share

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